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useBeforeLeave takes a function that will be called prior to leaving a route. The function will be called with:

  • from (Location): current location (before change).
  • to (string | number}: path passed to navigate.
  • options (NavigateOptions}: options passed to navigate.
  • preventDefault (void function): call to block the route change.
  • defaultPrevented (readonly boolean): true if any previously called leave handlers called preventDefault().
  • retry (void function, force?: boolean ): call to retry the same navigation. Pass true to skip running the leave handlers again (ie. force navigate without confirming).

Example usage:

useBeforeLeave((e: BeforeLeaveEventArgs) => {
if (form.isDirty && !e.defaultPrevented) {
// preventDefault to block immediately and prompt user async
setTimeout(() => {
if (window.confirm("Discard unsaved changes - are you sure?")) {
// user wants to proceed anyway so retry with force=true
}, 100);
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